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From the March 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For a long time I have been impressed with the necessity of understanding the meaning, and place, from a scientific standpoint, of the word "Confidence." The Century Dictionary defines it, first, "Reliance on one's own powers, resources, or circumstances; belief in one's own competency; self-reliance; assurance." Second, "That in which trust is placed, ground of trust; that which gives assurance of safety, security." Third, "Boldness; courage; disregard or defiance of danger."

Christian Scientists soon learn that confidence in one's own ability, our human sense of strength, human will-power and determination, is misplaced confidence, "a reed shaken with the wind," a house built upon the sand which will not stand. Over and over the statement is made: "I lack confidence,—I would not have confidence enough in myself to take a patient,—I wish I had more confidence," and so on.

Confidence is a mental condition, a quality of Mind, a quality of God. It is God-given; and as God, Good, is no respecter of persons but gives to all men freely all that they will receive, the statement "I lack confidence," is false to begin with. The lack is in my acceptance and right application, but not in the confidence I possess. The very person who is declaring the lack of confidence to succeed in an undertaking does not stop to see that he is very confident of his ability to fail. The disciples toiled all night in the dark and caught nothing. When the Master called, "Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No. And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes." They were in the same boat, had the same nets, were the same men, were in the same waters; they had but to put their nets on the right side of the boat, even as they were called to decide for Spirit, not matter; Soul, not material sense. Every man, woman, and child has the ability to cast on the right side, and there is no lack of confidence to do so, and they have ability to receive the reward,—full nets. The trouble is, we keep our net on the wrong side, there is plenty of confidence in failure, but little on the side of ability to do and to gain.

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