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From the March 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Concord (N. H.) Patriot

Some days ago Representative Abbott of Manchester introduced a bill in the New Hampshire Legislature, the purpose of which was to prohibit the healing of physical ailments by Christian Scientists. The bill imposed a penalty of $50 for the first offence; $100 for the second offence, and if the party further persevered in violating the law, he was to be sent to jail.

By the action of the House the bill was referred to the judiciary committee, and yesterday [January 29], by a vote of eleven to one, the committee refused to report the measure.

It is needless to say that the believers in Christian Science are very much pleased with the result. They are proud to know that the members of the legislature declined to offer this insult and do this great injustice to the people of this state who have an abiding faith in the tenets and doctrines of Christian Science.

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