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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Since ten years old I have been afflicted with bone scrofula, and the past ten years I have been a hopeless sufferer, given up by the doctors as incurable. At the age of twelve years, two-thirds of the right thigh bone, also portions of the shin bone, were removed by surgeons.

Dear Journal

Dear Journal. —I had been an invalid a number of years, and been told by doctors that I had liver, kidney, heart, stomach, and various other diseases.

I was a terrible sufferer for many years from sick headache. I took two treatments from a Christian Scientist, and went into a class.

A lady with no other instructor than Science and Health, has demonstrated beyond many who have taken numerous lessons. Persuaded through her reading, of the allness of God — God and the perfectness of idea — she would know nothing else.

Dear Journal. —I wish to avail myself of the privilege to express my joy and satisfaction in Christian Science.

After suffering from a belief of very weak eyes from my childhood, I became unable to see clearly without the aid of glasses. They did not relieve the pain in my eyes, but I was able to see more clearly.

Some two years ago I experienced a sunstroke and from its effects a brain trouble was developed, (so the doctors said) that was leading into insanity. For fifteen months I suffered untold misery with my head and was insane at times.

For twelve years I suffered from an abscess in my left side, accompanied by constant pain, which at times was almost unbearable. My lung was shrunken until there was no perceptible action, and it was supposed by many that it had sloughed off, and been discharged through the abscess.

I have suffered from sickness for a long time, and been treated by three different M. D.

When I began treating Mrs. M.