Testimonies of Healing
I have never given my testimony, dear Journal, and I hesitate to do so now through a temptation of mortal mind. But I will not be deterred from declaring Truth and its ever present help.
I send you two cases of surgery . We have many good cases, but my husband has never been willing to have any of them published; so if you will please suppress the names in these cases we will be much obliged.
Dear Journal . — I send this to you as a simple child returns thanks for a gift bestowed upon her, and as an expression of heartfelt gratitude to God, and the blessed Truth, revealed in Christian Science, for dispelling the errors of sense in mind and body.
Christian Scientist Association . — The May meeting of the association was well attended.
The human mind, the counterfeit, sees only its own creations, all of them counterfeits of God's—Spirit's creations; all of them, like the various denominations of counterfeit money, alike in quality, both as to themselves and in relation to that from which they spring. — Science and Health.
Dear Journal. —About the first of February last, my husband was taken with a very severe belief of inflammatory rheumatism, continued to grow worse for several days, then it seemed to be settling around the heart, and we thought he might pass on at any moment.
Dear Journal. —I had been an invalid a number of years, and been told by doctors that I had liver, kidney, heart, stomach, and various other diseases.
Since ten years old I have been afflicted with bone scrofula, and the past ten years I have been a hopeless sufferer, given up by the doctors as incurable. At the age of twelve years, two-thirds of the right thigh bone, also portions of the shin bone, were removed by surgeons.
I was a terrible sufferer for many years from sick headache. I took two treatments from a Christian Scientist, and went into a class.
Dear Journal. —I wish to avail myself of the privilege to express my joy and satisfaction in Christian Science.