Testimonies of Healing
(From the mother of a member of the "Shut-in Society. ") Yours to my daughter came to us.
It is something more than a year and a half since I was cured of a complication of diseases, through reading Science and Health. Becoming at an early age disgusted with drugs, I learned hygiene, and practiced it faithfully for over twenty years, when I began to lose all faith in its efficacy, became greatly discouraged, and as I had never been cured of a single ailment, I rapidly grew worse in health.
My little boy three years old was attacked in the night with dysentery, which by the next day at noon became bloody. The same afternoon I had a severe attack of old-fashioned fever and ague.
Dear Journal :—I wish to bear testimony to the healing power of Truth; when about fifteen I had a very severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism which left me with heart disease; that was fourteen years ago. I doctored a great deal and with different doctors, but received no permanent relief, and about two years ago I commenced to have monthly headaches.
Dear Journal :—In the Spring of '87 for three years I had not done three days' work, and during harvest time of each year was confined to bed from five to seven weeks. Twice in this time, my friends came to see me pass the belief of death.
For eight years I suffered terribly with my eyes. I could not read fifteen minutes without the most agonizing sick headache.
Ponder this. — The writer has been for the past eighteen months, pastor of two Christian Science churches located near each other in an interior State; and a part of that time of a third church in close proximity to the other two.
It was my privilege last summer to spend seven weeks in a country village where many people were longing for something besides drugs to cure them of their beliefs of sickness. My first demonstration over a belief of spinal curvature in a child of three years attracted general notice to Christian Science Mind-Healing.