An organ from the Christian Scientists has become a necessity. Many questions come to the College and to the practising students, yet but little time has been devoted to their answer. Further enlightenment is necessary for the age, and a paper devoted to this work seems alone adequate to meet the requirement. Much interest is expressed everywhere on this subject of metaphysical healing, but in many minds it is confounded with mesmerism and so-called spiritualism, so that the vastness of its power is lost where it is not correctly understood.
It is often said, "You must have a very strong will-power to heal," or "It must require a great deal of faith to make your demonstrations;" and when it is answered that there is no will-power required, and something more than faith is necessary, we meet with an expression of incredulity. It is not alone our mission to heal the sick, but we add to that the destroying of sin in mortal thought wherever we can; and this work will aid us in elevating and purifying the thought that it reaches. It cannot fail of it, since we shall devote our best energies to it.
This science, that reveals man spiritual, harmonious and eternal, should be generally understood. Our College should be crowded with students who are willing to consecrate themselves to this Christian work. Mothers would be enabled to produce perfect health and perfect morals in their children, by studying. Many say, "I should like to study, but I have not sufficient faith that I have the power to heal;" but the healing power is Truth, and it does not fail us in our great emergencies. "Materia medica" says, ''I can do no more; I have done all that can be done. There is nothing to build upon; there is no longer any reason for hope." Then metaphysics comes in, armed with the power of Truth, and takes up the case hopefully, having something to build upon, and is usually successful.