Said a lady: "This is an age of miracles; if I was as sick as I thought, what cured me? I live just as near God as any one can. I prayed him unceasingly to cure me, and I was not healed. Was it because I had not sufficient faith?" Faith without understanding does not always avail. Back of it all is a stronger belief in matter than faith in Spirit. It is Truth that drives error, alias disease, from the body, and error is nothing in the beginning, and nothing in the end. Material sense must be conquered if we would reach an understanding of Truth. It is the anxiety over a material organization that deprives us of harmony. What the material sense believes it sees upon the body is but a fear developed in mortal mind, whether it is a tumor or the gout. " I believe it is every woman's duty to take care of her health, for the sake of her husband and children;" a young mother remarked, and so it is; but her way and our way of obtaining perfect health would be quite different. We should not care for the state of the tongue, or the pulse, or the stomach. We should understand that life is not contingent on matter, but must be eternal. We should know that man is governed by that same divine Principle that directs the universe, and we should turn our gaze from the lie of the material basis to Truth and immortality, and never allow the fear of sickness an entrance in our thoughts. The existence of man is eternal, because it is Soul, and not in matter. It is our involuntary fears that produce disease, and we should watch these intruders and expel them instantly. Material laws do not prolong man's existence or bring him health, although he may believe they do. God has given man dominion over all things, even his own body; but the fear of sickness and death makes him a coward, and he allows error a constant victory. Reverse it all, and understand that the Truth of being gives Life eternal. —Com.