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From the August 1883 issue of The Christian Science Journal


Show me the way that leads to the true life:
I do not care what tempests may assail me:
I shall be given courage for the strife;
I know my strength will not desert or fail me,—
I know that I shall conquer in the fray,—
Show me the way.

Show me the way up to a higher plane,
Where body shall be servant of the soul:
I do not care what tides of woe or pain
Across my life their angry waves may roll,
If I but reach the end I seek, some day,—
Show me the way.

Show me the way above all little aims,
All foolish sorrows and belittling pleasures,
Above small triumphs, over little gains,
Above vain grieving for unworthy treasures,
Up to the heights where these things seem child's play,
Show me the way.

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