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From the February 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Baker Eddy has been verified as the author of this unsigned article by The Mary Baker Eddy Library.

This article was later republished in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896: Mis. 48:23-51:28

E. R. asks: "Was ever a person made insane by studying Metaphysics?"

Such an occurrence would be impossible; for the proper study of Mind-healing, if pursued, would cure them. That persons have gone away from Mrs. Eddy's class in metaphysics made insane by her teachings, like a hundred stories of the same sort, is a base fabrication to injure her, or her school. The enemy is trying to make some capital out of the following case, widely rumored. A young lady entered her class, whom Mrs. Eddy advised to withdraw before its close because of hysterical laughing, the only symptom manifested. We are credibly informed that before entering the class she manifested some mental unsoundness and have no doubt but she would have been restored at once by Mrs. Eddy's system of treatment. Her friends employed an Homeopathist who had the skill and honor to give it as his opinion to her friends that Mrs. Eddy's teachings had not produced insanity. That case was the only one that could be distorted into a claim to insanity ever occurring in her class, while acknowledged cases of insanity have been cured in her class.

E. D. says: "If all that is mortal is a dream, or error, is not our capacity for formulating a dream real; and if real, is it not God-made; and if God-made, can it be wrong, sinful, or an error?"

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