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From the February 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Baker Eddy has been verified as the author by The Mary Baker Eddy Library.

This article was later republished in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896: Mis. 232:5-235:25

This age seems reaching out towards the perfect Principle of things; pushing towards perfection in art, inventions and manufactures. Why, then, should religion be stereotyped, and we not obtain a more perfect and practical Christianity? It will never do to be behind the times in things most essential, which proceed from the standard of right that regulates human inventions. Human skill but foreshadows what is next to appear as its divine origin. Proportionately as we part with material systems and theories, personal doctrines and dogmas, to meekly ascend the hill of science, shall we reach the maximum of perfection in all things.

Spirit is omnipotent; hence a more spiritual Christianity will be one having more power, having perfected in science that most important of all arts,—healing. Metaphysical healing, or Christian Science, is a demand of the times: every man and woman would desire it, if they knew its value and firm basis. The unerring and fixed principle of all healing is God; and this Principle should be sought from the love of good, the most spiritual and unselfish motives; then, and not until then, will it be understood, and prevent mankind from striking out promiscuously, teaching and practising in the name of science, without knowing its fundamental, which is Love. Remember, that the malpractice of the best will produce the worst form of medicine.

The standard of Metaphysical Healing is traduced, by thinking to put into the old garment of drugging the new cloth of Metaphysics, or by trying to twist the fatal magnetic force of mortal mind into a more fashionable cut, and call that metaphysics. Substituting good words for a good life, fair seeming for straightforward character, is a poor shift for the weak and worldly, who think the standard of Christian Science too high for them. What think you of the scientist in mathematics, who finds fault with the exactness of the rule because he will not work hard enough to practise it? The perfection of the rule of Christian Science is what makes its utility, But having a standard, if some fall short, others will approach it, and they are those only who will adhere to it.

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