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From the February 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Walking through one of our large dry-goods stores in Boston the other day, I observed how each of the clerks seemed to be on the alert to attract and please their customers. They appeared to have an individual interest and responsibility in selling their goods; and although there were probably about two hundred of them, there was no confusion, collision or rivalry. Each had his part to do, and did it without being bidden, or looking round to see if his elbow neighbor did as much as he.

Why should worldliness or wickedness be more active and energetic than Christian Scientists, who can gain so much more by their labors, and who lose so much more by "knowing the Master's will and doing it not?" Why should those who claim to be Christians make little or no effort at activity in doing good, and have no system for daily work, and for interesting others to join their ranks and "work out their own salvation?"

This surely is not following the divine command, "Go work in my vineyard," if it is following the majority of those who claim to be his followers. It is either going with the multitude to do evil, or burying one's talent in the ground, which at some future time will be called for, yea, demanded; and because it hath not been used, that which they seemed to have will be taken from them.

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