"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name; which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." John 1: 12, 13.
Here the apostle assures us that man has power to become the son of God. In the Hebrew text the word "son" is defined variously: a month is called the son of a year. This term applied to man, signifies spiritual offspring, the child of God and not man. Jesus said: "Call no man father; for one is your father, even God."
Is man's spiritual sonship a personal gift, or is it divine science? Man's acquaintance with his Maker and power to demonstrate his divine Principle is requisite to understand this sonship, or unity with the forever good. A personal requirement of obedience to the law of man's being, would obscure the order of science, unless that demand was science; and if it was it would express the claims of its Principle, and not a person. The divine Principle is not more and cannot be less than the divine person, since both are Spirit, and must be one. What need then to quarrel over what is the person of Spirit, if we recognize and obey its laws?