Since our article of April 5th, we have been continually proving the power of mind over disease, and finding it more satisfactory as we understand and obey more its spiritual principle, which is God.
We find in immortal Mind all the potency that is necessary to prevent and cure the ills flesh is heir to. We had watched closely for years the action of medicine, hygiene, electricity, manipulation, mesmerism and mediumship, and were convinced that back of all those methods was one grand principle not understood. Knowing that all disease must necessarily originate in the mortal or physical mind, we were ready to receive the teachings of Christian Science, or Metaphysics, as opposed to physics; and as a result are doing more and better work in healing the sick than we ever thought of accomplishing as a practising M. D.
We have cured rheumatism in three treatments, dyspepsia in one treatment, nervous prostration in one week, consumption (in its first stage) in three weeks etc.; all this has been done without hygiene or drugs, and with Christian Science.
Truly time, space and physics are being annihilated.