Because matter has no Ego, its conditions are unreal, and these conditions are the source of all sickness. To believe in the existence of matter is to admit that mortality (and therefore disease) has a foundation in fact. Once let the mental physician believe in the reality of matter, and he must admit also the reality of all its conditions. Thus he will create disease with his mind, faster than medicine can formulate it through material diagnosis; and so he may become the most dangerous doctor of this period.
In proportion as matter, to human sense, loses all entity as matter, in that proportion does man become its master, entering into a diviner sense of the facts, and comprehending the theology of Jesus, as demonstrated in healing the sick, raising the dead, walking the water. All these deeds manifested Christ's control over the belief that matter is Substance, that it can be the arbiter of Life, or the constructer of any form of being.