My first introduction occurred in October, 1886. At that time I had been ill for many years. At the time mentioned a neighbor called on me, and told me of some cures that had come under his observation, which were effected through the instrumentality of Mrs. A. P. French. On his recommendation I was induced to call on the lady, whom I found ready and willing to take up my case, which the doctors pronounced paralysis, and for which they entirely failed to afford relief. After taking a few treatments of Mrs. French I found I had the free use of my limbs, and continued to improve until I found myself entirely healed. Thus I have remained, up to the present time. I was also cured of a strong desire for beer, which I had indulged in from my youth. I am now sixty-six years old, in the enjoyment of the best health, and consider myself sound mentally and physically.
Before receiving treatment in Christian Science, I had been a member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints for thirty years; but through Mrs. French's instructions, and reading Mrs. Eddy's book, my religious views underwent a decided change. Now I loathe and detest what I once regarded as infallibly right.
Omaha, Neb.