To the editor: Will you kindly give space in your valuable Journal for the insertion of the following facts, as I feel compelled to make them public.
In June, 1881, at the birth of my little girl, I sustained injuries which rendered life a burden to me. My sufferings finally became so intense that in October, 1885, I placed myself in the hands of specialists, under whose treatment I remained until September, 1887, during which period I underwent a severe operation, and passed fourteen months in bed. In fact I tried all that material aid could offer, but was not benefited, and so considered my case hopeless.
Such was my condition when Mrs. Wm. Perry (née Miss Minnie Hall) commenced treating me in Christian Science. The last injunction of my doctor had been to spend six weeks on my back, in order to render myself capable of undergoing renewed surgical treatment. The effect of Mrs. Perry's understanding of the Truth may be summed up in a few words. I laid aside all internal support, and was able to take an arduous situation; and I am now rejoicing in recovered health. I am able to support myself and child unaided.