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Important Revelations from Behind the Scenes

From the July 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The far-seeing thought of our times is becoming more and more imbued with Christian Science. The pulpit is sounding the depth of its spiritual philosophy. Literature is becoming permeated with its ideas. The sick are echoing its praises. Evil human mind is aroused to greater evil, or changed into a power for good.

Misteaching leads to the malpractice of Christian Science, and throws the husks of ambitious generalities, of German and Hindoo philosophy, into the pure streams of Truth, so as to clog them with trash and floating debris, which engender disease, and check the spiritual growth of the Christian student. Thought-stuffing is by no means equivalent to mental culture. It imparts no real information or grand ideas, gives no vital power or depth, confers not that grasp of Truth which constitutes profound scholarship.

The dazed student of mortal-mind methods is tricked out by clothing his thoughts in garments from the Misfit Parlors of philosophy. His mental nourishment is upon food warmed over from yesterday's table, till he is famished for ideas, and hankers for a juicy crumb of original Christian Science from the Master's table. He becomes a weak and discouraged starveling, easily upset by the first spiritual fact he runs against, in attempting to demonstrate the healing power. In his spiritual poverty he sees nothing as it is in a pure, invigorating light, giving hope and health. He finds virtue (if pretending to so fine a thing) no assistance to precocity, and a love of the pure and good no aid to thought and health. Benevolence and righteousness give him no fruitfulness in beneficent results, no luxuriant harvest of high and holy thoughts. Oh, no! All is reversed in mind-cure on a material basis. What a contrast to this is found in the All-Soul lifting exhilaration of an over-mastering spirituality, which comes from a conscious contact with Life and Love as eternal verities!

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