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Testimonies of Healing

A lady with no other instructor than Science and Health, has...

From the June 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A lady with no other instructor than Science and Health, has demonstrated beyond many who have taken numerous lessons. Persuaded through her reading, of the allness of God — God and the perfectness of idea — she would know nothing else. A daughter so badly affected by poison oak (ivy), that for weeks death was feared from blood poisoning, had recovered with a terrible dread of that plant. As the next season's picnic time drew near, she was regretting that she dared not go again. With her new-born faith in the Science of Being, the mother said, "Certainly, you can go, for nothing can harm you." The daughter assured by these words went; and in her rambles, fell into a mass of the dreaded plant but, trusting to the word of Truth, thought nothing of it, till one who knew of her previous trouble said in her mother's presence, "See, her face is showing red already." But the mother was prompt in denial and assurance. Next morning old symptoms were out in force, but they yielded at once and finally, to the positive and uncompromising hold on Truth. Another daughter that was thought too delicate to raise, from bronchial and nervous troubles, always dosed with medicine and wrapped in flannels, now runs free and well without either, winter and summer. The mother was recently attacked by mesmerism from the Church that believed she was influencing her daughter to leave. She overcame by the same unwavering trust in God, seeing Truth clearer than ever before. Her demonstrations come through no form of treatment, but by letting "Spirit bear witness," by the positive recognition and realization of no reality but ever present good.

The other night her husband was attacked with an old belief, similar to one that had some time before ended in a congestive chill, that the doctor thought very serious, and from which he had been a long time in recovering. The wife simply recognized no reality in the belief, and, seeing only perfect being, felt no fear. She did nothing, —no "treating" in the usual sense. There is nothing to do but to understand that all is harmony, always. He felt the Presence that destroys the sense of evil, and next morning there was nothing left to recover from.

A lady doing some starching thoughtlessly put her hand into the scalding starch to wring out a collar. Recalled to mortal sense by the stinging pain, she immediately realized the all power of God. At once the pain began to subside, and as she brushed off the scalding starch, she could see the blister swelling go down till there was but a little redness to show for the accident; in her absorbed thankfulness she mechanically wrung out the collar with the same hand with no sense of pain, thus verifying the demonstrations. And this woman only knows Science as she has received it from her Scientist (she not reading English) during the treatments received during the last month. So much has come to her from Spirit in her loyalty to Christ in so far as she could understand.

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