July, 1889. 1 Samuel iii. 1-14.
Lesson No. 1, July 7th. Title: Samuel called of God.
Golden Text: Then Samuel answered, speak, for thy servant heareth. 1 Sam. iii. 10. Outline: 1. Samuel called by the Lord (vers. 1-10). 2. The Lord's message to Samuel. Prominent Thought: Samuel called to be a prophet. Digest: Samuel's Parentage, 1 Sam. 1. 1-8; his birth, 9-20; his dedication, 21-28; his mother's rejoicing, 1 Sam. ii. 1-11; his youth, 1226; prediction of the doom of Eli and his household, 27-36. Time: B. C, 1160. Place: Shiloh (place of rest); a place about five hours north of Bethel, where the Israelitish host had erected a temple in the days of Joshua, at the close of their war with the Canaanites.