A great deal has been said by the Discoverer of Christian Science, by her students, and in the pages of this Journal, on the question of mixed literature on Christian Science Mind-healing.
All who write on the subject claim to be absolutely correct, and yet no two agree. The claims of one lead us a certain distance in one direction, and those of others in various directions. It is very difficult to know what to do with so many finger posts, and no two pointing in the same direction. No one will find it possible to make the desired progress under such conditions. This situation grows out of the fact that one, thinking to make it better for himself and others, formulates a theory of his own, and sets it forth in the hope to help bring other travellers and seekers to Truth. But they in their turn do likewise, and so the ways multiply, and lead to confusion instead.
Some have a pet hobby that must be worked into everything they touch, and these try to make Christian Science the instrument for bringing it forward. But Christian Science cannot be turned to such uses, for it is an exact Science, and there is, or can be, but one right way to demonstrate it.