For twelve years I suffered from an abscess in my left side, accompanied by constant pain, which at times was almost unbearable. My lung was shrunken until there was no perceptible action, and it was supposed by many that it had sloughed off, and been discharged through the abscess. Physicians of all schools had been tried, giving only temporary relief. They acknowledged themselves puzzled, and could only experiment. Patent medicines had no better success, and my friends and I concluded there was no help for me, and hope of a cure had died.
Christian Science, though, has "made me whole," and my gratitude is inexpressible. It seems to me that I feel as I think the lepers must have felt when they were healed.
My lung is expanding, and beginning to work naturally. There has been neither discharge, swelling, nor pain since last June, and I feel that the Truth has indeed "made me free." — Horton, Kan.