While in the army, I contracted the chronic diarrhoea of which many soldiers died, and many others are yet dragging out a miserable existence. I used drugs of all kinds, while in the army, and after I got home I kept it up, using up my living on drugs and physicians, getting worse instead of better. I could not live without the stimulus of drugs. I considered myself a very temperate man, but was a sot without knowing it. Some months since, I could not work and had returned home, when I met a Christian Science healer and friend of the family, who told my wife I could be cured. I laughed at the idea, as I really had come home to die, but my wife persuaded me to try Christian Science and finally I said I would, as I must die anyhow. I went to the Scientist and began recounting my ailments as I would to a Dr. and she said "God is able to cure you." When she said this it flashed through my mind, although a firm believer in God and the Christian religion, I was short in this. She treated me and said, "Take no medicine, eat what you want, and go to work," and I did. I have at times hungered after the flesh pots of Egypt. How badly I have wanted quinine, morphine, and stimulants of different kinds, no one but myself will know; but I have not taken any drug or medicine since, and am in many ways in better health than I have been for twenty-five years; my mind is clearer and my appetite more even, and in every way I feel a new man. And now let me say to those who are afflicted, try Christian Science, it will do you good, and not evil. I had a fear that its tenets would lead one away from the teachings of the Christian religion but that is not so, it has strengthened my faith and enlarged my understanding. I have read Science and Health, and it is worth while for any one to read it. — Kansas City.
Testimonies of Healing
While in the army, I contracted the chronic diarrhoea of which...
From the June 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal