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LUKE XXII. 1-19.

From the January 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The feast of the Passover was a yearly festival in commemoration of the hour when the son of man should be lifted from death unto Life. This Jewish festival was but little understood by those who so devoutly carried out the letter of the feast; since their literal apprehension of it blinded them to the true spiritual feast, that Jesus gave the apostles. Judaism represents literalism. They were looking for a personal Saviour, that is: they expected God to come to man. Through Science, we have at last learned that God is too pure to behold iniquity. Science and Health teaches us that man must become Godlike, instead of God becoming manlike; that we must put off the old man of sin and death, and be led by the Spirit of God which is wholly good. All who now are looking for the second coming of Christ, and who yet reject His impersonal appearing in Science, are the "Jews" of the present time. Our devout literalists are to-day trying to crucify the Christ-Life manifested in the Science of Healing. Jesus and the eleven apostles represent the highest sense of good at that time; a little band of faithful followers of the true Principle of Life in good, who had overcome all pride and selfishness, and were now entering with Jesus the new kingdom of righteousness, purity and goodness.

Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.

The feast of unleavened bread is the spiritual interpretation of all things that gives mortals the true understanding of Life. "Unleavened" means the absence of all sense of sin and error of belief. This feast typified the time when sin shall have no more dominion over man; when all shall know God, from the least to the greatest. Impersonal love demands the sacrifice of all sense of the flesh. The finest of the flock were killed to show that the highest sense of mortal good must be sacrificed for the pure, spiritual understanding of Life and Love. The highest mortal affections must give way to impersonal Love. Jesus, the purest mortal sense of good, must pass-over from the dream of Life, Substance and Intelligence in matter, to the true sense of Life, Substance and Intelligence in Mind—Divine Principle. The time had come when the material claim of life must be given up. He must prove to the world his teachings. He said "I and my Father are one," "the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." He taught the allness of God, and the oneness of Life in the divine Principle of good. In this sense, Jesus' sacrifice was for the whole world. The whole world is individual mind—one represents the whole. The demonstration of one over the false claim of Life in matter, demands the same demonstration from all; and all have to take up the same cross-bearing spirit and follow him in demonstration of Truth. Not one has been saved from sin, sickness or death by Jesus' personal death; but we are saved when we each, like him, overcome in ourself the law of sin in the personal sense of Life. If we would reap the reward he reaped, we must meet each and every individual claim of sin, through demonstration in Science. Fidelity to the one Principle, gives us strength and courage and lifts us above all doubt, fear and distrust—the fruits of the personal sense of power.

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