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From the January 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To-day as of old the cry goes up, from the length and breadth of our land, for a Moses to deliver the people from the bondage of Egypt; and again we hear from those who believe they see the way out of Egypt, the cry for Aaron the priest, or preacher. Would it not be well to analyze these thoughts, and see what motive prompts them, also to see whether they are strictly in line with Science? Several questions present themselves prominently before us at this point, viz.: Why do we know so much of Moses? Why do we know of him at all? Should we know of Aaron were it not for Moses? To answer the first seems the important thing to do; and in answering this, the others will largely, if not completely, be solved.

Moses comes before us most prominently when he is about eighty years of age. The record of his earthly life, divides into three periods of forty years each. These three periods are full of significance to the student of Divine Science; but it is the closing of the second, together with the opening of the third period, that is of special interest to us at this time. Moses, having been in the Wilderness forty years, taught of God, has become conscious of a high realization of Truth; a consciousness so high and pure that he hears the voice of Wisdom in audible response. The communion with Mind would now seem perfect; but, there remains more to be realized.

In this state of thought, Moses sees a wonderful phenomenon: a bush on fire, that is not consumed. As he approaches it, he hears the one Voice revealing to him that he is on holy ground, i. e.: he has reached the consciousness of the one Mind.

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