A fountain of perfectly pure water was discovered on a mountain near a great city. The discoverer had searched long and dliigently for this supply, and then spent long years in testing its qualities, limits, and source.
The source once found, analysis and tests were not needed to prove the quality pure and the supply unlimited. Then the city must be told of the wonderful discovery, and that the water contained healing properties, so that all who came to it seeking health would find it.
The first who heard, listened doubtfully; but when willing to go and see and drink, they were convinced of the truthfulness of what had been told them, and began to tell others of their recovery and ask them to go and drink also. So when the Fountain began to be celebrated, and the multitudes began flocking to it, there were those who looked upon it, and its discoverer, with envious eyes, and said: "There is no need that the people go only to this one fountain so high up on the mountain; we can give them water just as good to drink. Indeed, we can get it from the same source ourselves, and supply all who may come; we can lay pipes—secretly if need be—and conduct the water into cisterns of our own, and if the effect produced seems the same, it is just as well."