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Extracts from a sermon delivered in the Church of Christ (Scientist), Marinette, Wis., by Alfreddie DeLong, from the text Gal. 5 v. 14, 15.

From the November 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Read 1 John, 4th chapter.

Since taking up the study of the Bible in the light of Divine Science, the word Love has probably been upon our lips more frequently than at any previous time. And yet, how little do we understand this wonderful word that expresses all of God, and, as Paul said, the whole of the law of Spirit.

When we know what this Love is, and, as the result of knowing, live it, will not the world be revolutionized? We find no difficulty whatever in talking Love; but do we, even as Christian Scientists,—who, surely, of all people, after the instruction that has been ours, should demonstrate the divine law,—live it? Do we not theoretically understand that God is all, and consequently, Love is all, and the only power? Then why not live it? Simply because we are still in bondage to the elements of the world; and, because of our supposed higher understanding, are blinded to the fact that we, individually, are just as liable to fall into error, and be unconscious of it, as is our brother in Egypt.

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