I cannot see clearly why a Christian Scientist can charge for healing the sick bodily, or mentally. The parable of the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that went out in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard, and agreed with them for a penny a day. He sent others at different times, and at the eleventh hour he sent others. In the evening they received every man a penny, which caused great dissatisfaction. Why did not these men pay themselves from the fruit of the vine, instead of looking to the one who sent them.
In other words, is not the earth a vineyard? Why do Scientists, or ministers take tribute, or demand it of the people if they are called, or ordained of God to heal, teach or preach? Why not look to Him for pay? Is he not abundantly able to provide? Are the loaves and fishes all eaten? Many say, "But people will not appreciate what is done for them, unless they pay a small compensation." In John 21st chapter, 22d. verse is this: "Ye cannot serve God and mammon;" nor do I think it right to sell God's gifts to man for filthy lucre. Are there none now like Demetrius, who, finding their hopes of gain going through the light of Christian Science, would willingly pay money for the power of healing?
Again I refer you to the 34th chapter Ezekiel 2-8., W. B.