THE Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, discoverer and founder of Christian Science, was born in the town of Bow, New Hampshire. Her parents were Mark and Abigail B. Baker. Among her ancestors may he mentioned, Gen. John Macneil and Gen. Henry Knox. The family lineage goes back to Scotland, and among the more remote ancestry was Sir John Macneil, a Scottish knight who attained to much prominence in his day and generation as a statesman and diplomat.
Her great grandmother on the paternal side was Marion Moor, whose family were said to have belonged to the original stock from whom was descended Hannah More, the pious and popular English authoress."
Among her relations of the present day who have attained to prominence in law and politics, are Hon. Hoke Smith, President Cleveland's Secretary of the Interior, and Gen. H. M. Baker, now a member of Congress.