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Letters & Conversations


From the August 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For many years I had been a great sufferer from many maladies, and one that seemed to baffle the skill of medical science. I was waiting for death, as I then thought, to free me. At this time, nearly six years ago, I first heard of Christian Science; heard that something had come to the world by which people were being healed. I decided at once to seek this method of healing, as I was sure there was no other left me. The day that I heard of it I was suffering more than usual. I did not try to pray in the old way, but bowed my head and silently tried to realize that God would manifest himself to me. I have never been able to express what was then revealed to me. The Light that came to my darkened dwelling was so radiant that whenever error tries to tempt me, all I have to do is to cast my eye back to that glorious day. The voice was plain that said to me, when I' went to take any medicine (for I did not then know that a Scientist used no material remedies), "Put this away, God is doing this work."

Faith in drugs was from that moment utterly destroyed. The first of our Leader's works that came to me was No and Yes, and as its pages were read and re-read, Truth commenced to remove the error. Then commenced the warfare. How plainly now could be seen that being a Christian meant a tearing down of the mortal structure. In a short time the "little book" came; and never can be forgotten, the wonder and joy with which its contents were eaten.

I could not read my Bible much for some time, but when I did make an earnest study of it, in connection with Science and Health, it was and has since been, a new book to me. I had thought in my blindness I was a Christian. But now I could plainly see that this mortal that seemed so real with its malice, hatred, and envy, had been the god that had been bowed down to and worshipped. But the digestion of the "little book" although bitter after the first sweet taste, will shatter all of these idols. Many times it has seemed that the cry must go up "Oh, Father if it be possible, let this cup pass," but I can truly and gladly say that I thank the Truth for every purgation. It must come to us as the veil of flesh is being rent.

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