The Christian Science Journal for June opens with a short poem, "Laying the Corner Stone," by Mary B. Eddy, followed by a communication from the same pen referring to the ceremony of laying the corner stone of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, on May 21st, 1894. "Parentage," by Ella Fluno, portraying the true relationship of father and son, as exemplified by Jesus Christ. "Leadership," by Alice Thrall, is a careful analysis, showing that the real power of all great leaderships lies in a demonstration of the God principle, an adhesion to, the understanding and acknowledgment of the divine law by mortal man. "Liberty Bells," by W. H. Aldrich; this paper follows the efforts toward political liberty from early history to the present time, analyzes the prompting and defines the true nature of real and perfect liberty comprised in Truth and Love. "A Paper on Christian Science," by M. A. Gaylord; without entering into any controversy this paper is a very full statement of what Christian Science is. "Christian Science in Norway," "Our Little Branch," The Lamb that was Slain," "Notes from the Field," with two poems, "Flee as a Bird to your Mountain," and "The War of Truth" and other departments, places the June number of this journal among the best issued.— Western Watchman, Eureka, Cal.

The Christian Science Journal for June opens with a short poem,...
From the August 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal
Western Watchman