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From the August 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For every one that asketh receiveth; and lie that seeketh fimleth; and to him that knocketh it shall he opened. Matt. vii. 8.

I wish to relate my own case, and how I found the Truth. About four years ago I first heard of Christian Science. About that time a Scientist came to Ravenna once a month. I had been drinking strong drink for about ten years, and had become a hard drinker. I had tried to quit many times, but could not do so. I took a few treatments, and was almost healed. I had almost forgotten to drink. After a time I thought I would take another drink and see if it tasted as formerly. After I had taken one I wanted another, and so on until I became intoxicated, and kept it up awhile. I had had a gleam of the Promised Land, but I fell back into the wilderness. I was not satisfied to remain there, and so concluded to try again. I bought Science and Health, and read it over and over again, but did not get rid of the appetite for strong drink. I was using tobacco at the same time, and thought there would be no harm in holding to that. But I found I had to let it go.

The appetite for liquor and tobacco, and an injury received twenty -five years ago, left me all at the same time.

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