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From the August 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Kalamazoo Daily News

AS medical schools, doctors and material remedies are multiplying at a fearful rate, and still diseases are increasing at a much faster ratio, there is little hope of a victory by that method, so mankind is forced to look in some other direction for relief, and very naturally turns squarely about from the use of outward things, which can be seen, felt, tasted and smelled, and attempts to conquer through inward spiritual or mental force.

As homæopathy has spread over the land and almost set entirely aside the barbarous methods of bleeding, blistering, salivating and drugging, and taught the world the force of high attenuations and almost no medicine at all, so mental healing advances and demonstrates still farther that material remedies are in many troubles entirely unnecessary.

Of the several schools of mental healing, all of which are doing some good, that one known as Christian Science is without doubt doing the most thorough and effective work, and for the following reasons: In all great undertakings it is quite as essential to have a capable leader as to have a good cause, and in this respect the Christian Scientists have in Mrs. Eddy of Boston a leader of wonderful power and executive ability. Her book, called Science and Health is rapidly nearing the one hundredth edition, and is attracting the attention of many of the greatest minds all over the world.

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