Dear Journal:—A bit of my experience may be of use to some.
For a very short time I was a scorner of Christian Science, not understanding it. I soon attended a meeting of a few Christian Scientists, which at that time (1890) was called a Christian Science Bible Class. The Christian Science Quarterly, the Bible, and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," was the literature used.
At this meeting the earnestness, and sensibleness of the Christian Scientists there present impressed me with deep favor, and I continued, with a short intermission, to be a regular attendant. A few months before attending this meeting, I studied geometry, and the method of reasoning in Christian Science was to me, to say the least, just as exact as reasoning in geometry, and more simple. The correctness of genuine Christian Science, as explained in Science and Health, was proven to me in a theoretical way, and appealed to me as Truth. Later, it has been proven to me in many, many practical ways as Truth.