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From the July 1897 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Am learning, every hour of my life, more and more of the blessedness of that Science which is Christian, more and more of the wonderful joy now made ''present and sure" through the inspired teachings of our beloved Leader, and the practical demonstrations that constantly prove every statement in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," to be absolute Truth.

Having been delivered from many grievous beliefs, and snatched as a brand from the fire of material bondage, it becomes not only a duty, but a craving need, to tell all who will listen of the wonderful things now made "divinely natural" through the realization of the allness of Good. Mortal mind has withheld my pen too long through the seeming belief of vainglorying, selfishness, vanity; but no Christian Scientist will misunderstand the firm claim of Good, Harmony, Love, as the only Life, and the nothingness of mortal mind, selfhood. NO one can possibly be more utterly disgusted with the miserable imitation of Being than the Scientist who realizes, even slightly, the one omnipresent Life; and only the growing comprehension of Life re-instates joy in the place of mortification; Love in the place of envy, doubt, and despair; strength in the place of feebleness, and abiding courage in the place of fear, sin, disease, and death.

Even if the deliverance from dire and universally pronounced fatal disease had not been enough to open my perception to the present immortality of Being, the more precious unfoldings of Truth through class teaching and study of our text-books would have brought constantly increasing conviction and revelation.

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