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From the July 1897 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It may be a help to some one who is striving for light if I relate a recent experience which has been of great assistance to me in finding the path laid down for us so beautifully and clearly in Science and Health.

About a year ago, a very dear friend of mine was led to read this wonderful book, and after reading it, she was convinced that she had there found the Truth, and that only by means of this Truth could she be healed of a dreadful cough which had followed her for three years, and which physicians had pronounced incurable. She put herself under the care of a Christian Science healer, and in four weeks was entirely healed. Soon after she went through a class, and has now become a healer.

My gratitude and joy at having my friend's health restored, also her deep and earnest interest in the Science, led me to study the "little book;" but I found it no easy task to give up the opinions I had held for years in regard to religion, and accept the Scientific truths so grandly given in Science and Health. I had been for twenty years a student of the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, and those of other mystics, and my religions faith was. so I thought, founded upon a rock. I found, however, that Science and Health contradicted many of my former convictions, and after studying it for some months, I saw that I must renounce many of my old ideas, or give up this new study, and it seemed to me impossible to do either.

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