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From the July 1897 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In October, 1885,—a fitting time of the year for a type of old things passing away,—I first heard of Christian Science. For many years I had been a bundle of bodily ailments, many of my troubles pronounced incurable, and at the time of my healing, the mental depression was so intense that I hoped to find relief in death.

At last the message of Love clothed in the statements of our dear text-book, Science and Health, was whispered into my ear. The "Peace, be still," came like a benediction, and my healing began immediately. I ate warm bread for supper,—an impossibility as I had thought; I slept the night through, the first time in many months; the pain in head and back was much relieved, and the mental weight lifted like a cloud, disclosing to me a world in which I moved fearless and free.

A copy of Science and Health, then in its fifteenth edition, was handed me. I cannot describe the weeks that followed, so wonderful were the unfolding of health and power, as I read the secret revealings never found before, even though I had been a most rigid Bible student and careful Christian all my life.

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