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Testimonies of Healing

October 7, 1897, found me standing in front of a drug...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

October 7, 1897, found me standing in front of a drug store, shaking from the effects of a chill, and trying to decide whether I should rely on Mind, or on matter, to heal me. My four-year-old boy and I had both been chilling since the last of July, and I had already given drugs a pretty fair trial, yet we were still shaking. Finally, I decided to give Christian Science a trial, and at once went to the Scientist in our town. The result was, that my fear of chills was destroyed in one conversation with the healer, and neither my little boy nor myself, has ever been attacked by the chills and fever since. I went away from the Christian Science rooms confident that I would not have another chill, and so it has proved, notwithstanding that the doctor had said I would have chills and fever as long as I lived on that creek. I am reading and studying Science and Health and am able to take care of myself and the boy.

Once the little fellow slept with some children that had whooping-cough, and the claim appeared on him afterwards; but it was at once met and destroyed by my own understanding in one night.

I find Christian Science practical in its bearing upon all phases of farm life. When other people all around me were losing hogs from hog cholera. I had no fear of such a thing, as I knew God did not make hog cholera; and that all things He did make were good. Hence, I lost no hogs. I should be foolish to doubt anything that Christian Science teaches just because I do not understand it all. I would like to say, also, that no person could partake of the good things that Christian Science brings without heartily loving and sincerely appreciating the noble Leader who has given it to the world.

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