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Testimonies of Healing

I would like to tell the Journal of the healing of my...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I would like to tell the Journal of the healing of my grandmother, a woman over eighty-five years of age. She had been in failing health for many months, not being able to eat solid food except toast or rice, and suffering great distress nearly all the time. Occasionally she would send for her physician, and after his visit would seem a little improved, but got no permanent help.

A year ago she became very ill and took to her bed. The doctor was called and pronounced the trouble the grip, in the form of acute bronchitis. He said that she was a very sick woman, and that her age was against her, but that she might recover if the disease could be kept where it was. At the end of a week she began to improve, and her physician and family were much encouraged. But in a few days she again said that she was worse, and that she felt that she should not recover. She refused nourishment, and finally became so ill that she could not retain even her medicine. She grew worse so rapidly that those in attendance felt that she would soon pass on. When any one suggested sending again for her physician, she shook her head. After a time she signified her desire to have a Christian Scientist. A healer was called and remained an hour with her, leaving her lying quietly and much relieved. For three days the struggle was a severe one. There was much to meet, as some of the members of the household did not understand Christian Science, and felt that the dear one was having nothing done for her comfort. But Truth prevailed at last. On the fourth day there was a marked improvement. On the fifth day she seemed worse again, and it took three to turn her in bed that night. On the sixth day she sat in a chair while her bed was being made. On the seventh she was dressed and sat up eight hours and ate fried fish, and baked potatoes and cream for her dinner. The next day she sat up all day, and ate what she had long desired, baked beans. These were eaten for her supper. She ate heartily, and soon retired and slept sweetly all night. The doctor had told her and her family that if she recovered she would never be able to eat solid food again, unless a little toast or rice.

This was in February, 1900, and since then she has been in better health than for three years before. She has never taken a drop of medicine since, but when any inharmony manifests itself, reads her Bible and Science and Health, and has good demonstrations.

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