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From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In two years' study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" I have had many lovely demonstrations.

Many people are so prejudiced against Christian Science that I sometimes hesitate to speak of it; but if their conception of Christian Science is wrong, then it is our duty to put it right, and correct these false impressions.

A little over a month ago, we came here and took rooms. On the following day Mrs. K. (the lady from whom we rented our rooms) came to me holding her sides, telling me she had suffered with sciatic rheumatism for many years, having constantly to wear a bandage; that it had been over four years since she could sleep until between three and four in the morning, inwardly burning with fever, and drinking quantities of cold water during the night. She was also burdened with sorrow for an only son, whom she had not seen for a long time and who was far away. I began at once telling her of Christian Science, showing our text-book, and told her of my healing. She looked at me in amazement, and said, "Do you believe in that trash?" I did not allow this to silence me, but went right to work to show her what Christian Science was, and what it is doing for the world to-day. Each day I would talk to her about it, and read to her a demonstration from our Journal or Sentinel. In this way a week passed. One day while I sat thinking that perhaps, after all, I was casting precious pearls away on one whose eyes and ears seemed closed to Truth, and that I had better spend the time given her in seeking more understanding for myself, these words of our Master came to me, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." At this time I was suddenly made to rejoice by the appearance of Mrs. K. who said, "I came in to tell you that since you came here with your Christian Science I have slept as peacefully as a child all night, my fever has gone, I have removed my bandage, and my side is well. I want to tell you something you did not know: for twenty-two years I have had absolutely no control of my kidneys, and that, too, strange as it may seem, has left me; even my sorrow has vanished. I am healed of many long-standing diseases for which I have sought relief in vain. I feel as if I had passed into another world. I cannot tell you just when this change came over me, but somehow the things you told me about a God who is Love, and knows only good, who never created my diseases, has haunted me day and night. I cannot think of anything else, and I know it is Christian Science that has healed me. I thought it was trash; no one ever told me differently until you came. I can never thank you sufficiently for what you have done for me."

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