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Testimonies of Healing

It is nearly three years since I first heard of Christian Science...

From the March 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is nearly three years since I first heard of Christian Science, having watched impatiently for years for more enlightenment, for I realized more and more as life advanced, that Christ's message was misunderstood. I came from a very devout family of the Lutheran faith, and had studied the Bible since my early childhood. I thought that I loved God with all my heart, still I was ailing all my life and seemed many a time at death's door, Finally, in advanced age the suffering became so acute that the physicians declared there was no hope of recovery, and all functions gave way. I do not like to recall the agony of those years. I could neither walk not work as I had done before diligently.

As soon as I heard of Christian Science, I investigated. The first Wednesday evening meeting I was healed of despondency, which nearly every morning bade me wish for the end. Through many years I had learned to forget what a good night's rest was.

I bought "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, the day after I went to the meeting, read it a great deal, and never missed a service in church when in New York. I also studied the Bible lessons daily, early in the morning and late at night. I grew better in health at once and felt decidedly encouraged in every way, but, after the lapse of four or five weeks, I appealed to a healer especially on account of pains in my side of fourteen years' standing. I was healed of this in eight treatments. It was several months before I overcame certain ailments, while on the whole I grew stronger constantly, and never have had a weak spell of the heart again. I also very soon was able to eat all I liked, a thing unheard of for many years. For at least four years I nearly starved for want of food, because everything disagreed. I have slept well since I began reading our text-book.

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