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Testimonies of Healing

As so many persons are interested in knowing more of...

From the August 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As so many persons are interested in knowing more of the scope of Christian Science treatment in its relation to cases of accident, which usually come under surgical treatment in the hands of physicians, I should like to give the readers of the Journal a carefully prepared statement of a very interesting case of healing which was brought out in this city about two years ago.

I should like to say for the information of those who know only a little about the Christian Science method of treatment, that Truth is the most wonderful educator and develops the mental faculties in ways that are simply wonderful, and teaches the practitioner to observe more closely than all others the workings of the human mind and the effects of thought upon the body.

When I was first called upon to attend this case I was at once reminded of a similar condition which had come under my notice a number of years ago and before I was a Christian Scientist. The patient in this case was supposed to have injured her knee slightly, but within a week was unable to walk at all and at the time of my acquaintance with her had been for eighteen months confined entirely to her bed in a hospital and the greater part of the time the knee was kept packed in ice. When I last heard of her she was still in the hospital and amputation was being considered.

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