Sunday, July 14, Third Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago, was dedicated with appropriate and interesting services. There were four services held to accommodate the large attendance. The first at 9 a.m. was conducted by John H. Cameron and Mrs. Ruth B. Ewing, Readers of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago; the second at 11 a.m. was conducted by Bicknell Young and Mrs. Emma Bush, Readers of Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago; the third at 3 p.m., was conducted by Rev. Jesse L. Fonda and Mrs. Elizabeth Webster, Readers of Third Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago; the fourth at 7.45 p.m. was conducted by Charles M. Flint and Mrs. Harriet White, Readers of Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, of Chicago.
The following was the order of service:—
Organ Voluntary, Mr. Calvin F. Lampert; Hymn No. 178, Congregation; Scripture Reading and Prayer; Address of Welcome, Rev. Jesse L. Fonda; Solo; Reading of Message from Mrs. Eddy and Address by Mr. Edward A. Kimball; Lesson-Sermon; Solo, Mr. Whitney Mockridge; Hymn No. 65, Congregation; Scientific Statement of Being and Correlative Scripture; Benediction.