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From the August 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Want to acknowledge the great good as well as pleasure derived from reading our publications. When the Sentinel of May 2 was brought in, I was suffering from weakness and nervousness. I at once began to read the "Testimonies," and by the time I had read them through I was greatly relieved. I then studied the Bible Lesson, "Mortals and Immortals," after which I dressed, took a long walk, spent the afternoon with friends, and attended church at night, feeling quite well.

On March 3, 1900, a nephew was sent to us. He had been pronounced incurable by three physicians, the last one saying that if half a dozen of the best doctors in the country should come to see him three times a day they could do him no good.

The disease was hereditary consumption, with all its attending errors. He had been living principally on stimulants, using opiates to make him sleep, and had very little appetite. He had never heard of Christian Science, so we did not write anything of it to him, but wrote if he was willing to do what we thought best for him, he could come, and to come at once. He had written to know if he might come to us as a last chance for life, and as we are the only relatives he has that are Scientists, we felt it was Truth's leading.

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