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Testimonies of Healing

From a life of pain, unrest, nervous irritability, and...

From the August 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From a life of pain, unrest, nervous irritability, and discord, I have, through Christian Science, come into a harmonious life.

For over thirty years I had not known what it was to be free from pain. During that time I had undergone more than a dozen minor operations, and after nearly eighteen months of partial helplessness, I submitted to a serious capital operation, as I was told that I should never be likely to walk without it. I improve during the following year and a half, so that I was able to go out at times, but a kidney trouble seemed to develop as well as rheumatism, neuralgia, and a small growth, also swelling of the feet and ankles. I had endured constant headache for years, also insomnia.

A few months ago, a friend told me of her own healing, and that she was giving a good deal of her time to Christian Science work. I went over to the reading rooms one afternoon, hardly knowing why I went. A week later I went to one of the Wednesday evening meetings, the following week I went again. Here I heard of several quite remarkable demonstrations, but what impressed me more than all else, was a very emphatic declaration by the First Reader that "Christian Science does heal the sick," which thrilled me through and through. I believe that my healing began at that time. Suffice it to say, that I then began to search for the Truth, I purchased "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I went to the reading rooms day after day, where I never failed to hear and carry away helpful thoughts. Before long I threw my medicines away and one claim after another disappeared, until one day I said with astonishment, "Where is my pain?" I could but exclaim, "Thank God! it is gone; perfect healing has come." Oh, the joy of it! surely the old things had passed away and all things had become new. In Truth, I was born again, and with two sons grown to manhood, I am just learning how to live. This wonderful healing has come to me during the past six months; but the spiritual uplifting, the right understanding of God, Good, is more blessed still. Truly Christian Science does heal the suffering, diseased body and the sin-sick soul.

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