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Testimonies of Healing

I Wish to tell how I became interested in Christian Science

From the August 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Wish to tell how I became interested in Christian Science. I married a Scientist and the first Sunday after we were married we got to talking on religion, and she tried to tell me something of Science. I can remember saying to myself, "What stuff for any one to believe!" but to her I said, seeing she was so earnest in her belief, "Well, that is all right; we wont quarrel over religion, but if I believe in any religion it is the Presbyterian, as I am a Scotchman and was brought up in the belief of Presbyterianism; but I have seen so much deceit and hypocrisy in church members that I don't believe in any religion any more, and take the Golden Rule as my religion. So you can just follow your religion and I will follow mine, only I don't want you to try to make me believe your way."

So we each followed our own course for six years, my wife very seldom mentioning the matter, as when she did I would change the subject. Regarding our children, I said to her, "Now if the children are taken sick I want them to have a doctor." To this she agreed, saying if the doctor failed, then she was to get a Scientist to treat them. To this I assented, thinking to myself, "Much good would a Scientist do if a doctor failed."

However, four years ago, when in Los Angeles, Cal., our little baby girl, then a year old, was taken very sick and I had medicine for her, but she didn't seem to get any better, and one night when I was away from home she was taken with convulsions and my wife got a friend to go for a Scientist. When I reached home a few days afterwards my wife told me the child had been very sick and that she had to have a healer to treat her; however, as the baby was all right then, I thought there had not been much the matter with her. But in passing through the hallway I met our landlady (who was Jewess), and she said, "Wasn't that a wonderful case of the baby's getting well?" I said, "I guess that she hadn't been so bad as they "Why," she said, "she was surely dying when the healer got here, and she just took her in her arms, and in a few minutes the baby was in a peaceful sleep and the next morning she was all right."

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