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Testimonies of Healing

The physical healing in my immediate family has been...

From the August 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The physical healing in my immediate family has been very wonderful, but far more marvelous is the spiritual regeneration. During my childhood I attended the Congregational Church with my parents, who were members of that denomination. Many of my dearest friends, however, were Episcopalians, and I frequently went to church with them. I learned to love the Episcopal service, and when old enough to decide for myself, I determined to become a member of the Episcopal Church, if I could gain my parents' consent. This was finally granted, and I was confirmed shortly after my sixteenth birthday.

For a few years I was perfectly content with my chosen faith; but as time went on I became gradually impressed with a growing sense of lack and unsatisfied longing. The next few years seem an utter blank, so far as any religious growth is concerned, and I drifted into a state of apathy and indifference, dangerously near one of absolute unbelief.

I spent nearly two years of my school life in a convent, but Catholicism never appealed to me in the slightest degree.

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