One of the burning questions of the present day is, How shall we apply Christianity in social relations? What is the true ideal, competition or co–operation, war or fellowship?
Tradition has brought down to us a belief in the necessity for war. Men find themselves in the iron grasp of army rules, and must go forth and slay those with whom they have no quarrel. Ruskin says a good word for war, and considers it a school for the manly virtues of endurance, courage, and obedience. But the pioneers of peace have endured hunger and cold and hardship, and thereby gained as great discipline in manliness while being the builders of states, as could possibly be gained by those who through force were the destroyers of states.
The world will ever more highly honor the bravery and devotion of the Pilgrim Fathers. It will be more clearly seen that America ranks first in the world because of the principles which these early settlers conceived and endeavored to obey. Christian Science re–emphasizes the unique position of the Pilgrim Fathers in their demand for recognition of the inherent rights of man and men, as against the theories of the ages regarding apostolic succession and the divine right of kings. These theories bring about the materializing of law and gospel by putting them into personalities. Both Church and State should be governed by a Principle understood by all, just as we find the realm of mathematics governed by the unseen. Suppose arithmetic to be governed by personalities, whose varying views gave us a hundred sects, the adherents of each thinking all others wrong, and refusing to accept calculations made by others. Paralysis of practical activity in business would result. May it not be so regarding spiritual activity when the simple teachings of the one Master are not followed but argued over? Now in mathematics there is no creed, because understanding takes its place, and in civil matters the best results will be achieved when such an understanding of Truth has been gained.