Turn thou to Love, divine and blest,
Whate'er thy need may be;
Turn to the Love that's ever near,
That never fails to help and cheer,
To light thy path, however drear.
Turn thou to Love.
Turn to this Love when bonds of sense
Are holding thee in thrall;
When closely round like clouds of night,
The darksome clouds shut out the light,
And hide from us the true and right.
Turn then to Love.
Turn thou to Love, whate'er may come
To dim thy sense of Truth;
When sin or sorrow hide the way,
And deepest sadness chills thy day;
Remember then thy staff and stay.
Turn then to Love.
And "Love divine meets every need,"
When we on Love rely;
Love comes like sunshine after rain,
And whispering softly through the pain,
Brings hope and joy to earth again.
Turn thou to Love.