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From the May 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FROM the earliest recorded ages, man has found himself restless and dissatisfied with himself and his surroundings, always striving to attain to the unattainable,— the peace which passeth understanding. Some have known that all which is within the grasp of mortal man is vanity and vexation of spirit; others have imagined that they would be satisfied if they were differently circumstanced. This unrest has been the saving of the world; it is the ferment produced by the moving of the Spirit of God upon the face of the waters and without it there could have been no progress, and men would have remained in a deep sleep. This, however, was in the nature of things impossible, and the question of all questions; what is man? whence comes he? whither does he go? was no doubt discussed in the cave-dwellings of the primitive races.

The question was solved nearly two thousand years ago, and yet but a small handful of people have any idea that it has been solved, or what the solution may be. The answer to life's greatest questions had been forgotten, and it remained for a nineteenth-century woman to rediscover it.

Truth is revealed to this age, and in strange ways does it enter the hearts of men, and altogether beyond human ken is it to divine who will receive the heavenly guest, and who refuse it admittance. "But of that day and hour knoweth no man. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left."

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