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Testimonies of Healing

Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to God...

From the May 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to God and my thankfulness to our Leader, who has been such a willing instrument in God's hand in bringing to the true consciousness of man a religion that again heals the sick and enables the sinner to forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thought.

My healing, which I wish to relate, was the healing of a case of consumption, constipation, and nervousness combined. These came to me through the belief of inheritance. I saw the skill of physicians in compounding and administering drugs to my mother completely baffled. She had been a lingering sufferer from that most dreaded of all diseases, consumption, for three long and weary years. Finally the physicians, unable to aid her, gave up the case and left these conditions to be conquered by death. Five years later the disease manifested itself upon me in a more aggravated form, its chains binding me tighter and tighter as time went on. Space does not allow me to name the oils, herbs, drugs, etc., I took, with the hope of finding one that would cure me. The thought of nothing to cure, nothing to save, weighed me down, down in despondency and gloom, until the disease had gained a hold upon me which was insuperable and incurable by material means. The constipation which had followed me all the way through, continued to manifest itself in more alarming forms each day, and for it I was obliged to take two and three doses of the strongest laxative each week. In the winter of 1900, my physician said that there was no hope for me, and that I would probably live but a short time. My lungs were both very much affected and very weak. I still continued to dose, dropping each drug as it failed to relieve, to try something else. At times I found it difficult to breathe, and the last remedy given me for that was the purest and strongest whiskey, in unlimited quantities; but this also began to lose its efficacy. This was about May, 1901.

Two weeks previous, my little boy, then two and a half years old, was suddenly stricken with a very high fever. After having medical attention for a while, his condition remained much the same. My wife's sister came to see us just then, and told us about Christian Science. She had been healed by it of some physical ills of long standing. Immediately we sent eighteen miles for a practitioner, who came at once and baby was almost instantaneously healed, so that he was up, dressed, ate a hearty meal, and was taken for a long drive in the afternoon. That was a beautiful and clear proof to us of the healing power of Christian Science; so strong and convincing that I at once decided to test it in my own case, which I knew had never been classed among the curables by materia medica.

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